Elections for officers for the 2017-2018 Jr. Board
All skaters under 18 are encouraged to participate and vote for a new Junior Board for 2017-2018.
Who is eligible for the board: Any skater ages 13-18 interested in being a part of the Jr. Board and help plan future events. If you would like to be a candidate for one of these positions and be put on the ballot, please email the Jr. Board Advisor by 5pm Tuesday May 16th, JrBoardAdvisor@SanDiegoFSC.org
When is voting: Both Tuesday, May 16th at 6:45pm AND Friday May 19th at 5:15pm
Where: Patio in front of San Diego Ice Arena
Why: It’s a great way to be involved, get skaters together, have volunteer opportunities, and meet new friends.
Jr. Board positions that will be voted on at the meeting:
-Vice President
-Social Media Manager